• 8 июня 2019, суббота
  • Москва, Староконюшенный переулок, 32 Omellchenko Gallery


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Другие события организатора

Мастерская Образов Киры Феклисовой
1806 дней назад
8 июня 2019 c 12:00 до 14:00
Староконюшенный переулок, 32 Omellchenko Gallery

We invite you to awaken and activate your feelings through a multisensory experiment. You will be immersed in the art of the French visionary artist Aurélie Lethu, a lecture from perfume expert, PhD Kira Feklisova and the discovery of new facets of yourself and the world with the help of fragrances.

The world is not static. Everything in it has a constant movement. And even recycled elements can acquire new meanings. French visionary artist Aurélie Lethu uses them as main elements in her work, giving them a new life, revealing their inner beauty and hidden potential.

In each series the French visual artist explores unknown territories, experimenting with a variety of supports, media and techniques, inspired by the recycled elements she used: from tree barks, vegetal fibers, fabrics, computer microchip boards, red earth, to plastic waste from oceans.

Perfume parallels accompany Aurélie’s work. You can perceive her pictures by watching, feeling and through the prism of smells. Aroma is one of the ways of knowing oneself and being able to connect with one’s lost identity. Fragrance awakens the hidden sides of our soul and helps us to plunge into the necessary states. When textures, colors and aromas are combined into a single whole, we seem to be born again, we gain lost harmony and become aware of the interconnection of everything. And the sets of separate events and moments are combined into a single picture of our life.

We invite you to take a fresh look at art and experience the whole range of emotions through vivid textural works and fragrant parallels.

At the lecture you will learn:

- What is the visual art and how it differs from classical art
- What is the relationship between art and fragrances
- How to awaken feelings with the help of art and fragrances, anchor them, and then return to resource states when you need it
- For what purposes can you use fragrances
- What questions should you answer yourself before buying fragrances and artworks



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